Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) works to support, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ Muslims, with a focus on convening spaces that uplift LGBTQ+ Muslims and combating Islamophobic narratives through art.

The Mobilize Power Fund (October 2023) supported MASGD and partners to create healing justice programming, including a national helpline, by and for Queer and Trans Muslims. This partnership included Queer Muslim Solidarity Network (including HEART, Vigilant Love, Queer Crescent, and Queer Shia Collective), PeerPride, Let’s Rebuild, and BLK Dream Camp.

The Mobilize Power Fund sublogo, two solid blue semi-circles interlocking horizontally.
Mobilize Power Fund
The Mobilize Power Fund sublogo, two solid blue semi-circles interlocking horizontally.
Mobilize Power Fund