November 28, 2023

Meet our September and October 2023 Mobilize Power Fund Grantees

We’re excited to share our Mobilize Power Fund grantees from September and October 2023! Please read on to learn more about their work. 

The Mobilize Power Fund (MPF) is a rapid response fund for urgent and unanticipated direct action, community mobilizing, and healing justice. Grants are available on a monthly basis for youth-led and intergenerational groups, nonprofits, coalitions, and efforts in the U.S., regardless of 501(c)3 status or fiscal sponsorship.

September 2023 Grantees 

Color N Raw (Fort Lauderdale, FL)

Color N Raw is a Black trans-led organization that provides youth enrichment programs and spaces for Black TLGBQ+ youth ages 14 - 26 in the South Florida areas, with a focus on young people in the Florida Ballroom community. The Mobilize Power Fund supported a Fantasy Hair show & rally around gender justice & protection for Black TLGBQ+ youth in the state of Florida.

Community Aid Solutions In Tucson Arizona (Tucson, AZ)

Community Aid Solutions In Tucson Arizona (CASITA) is a collaboration between four small mutual aid groups in Cukson (so-called Tucson), Arizona, in response to the emergency need to mitigate the harms of gendered violence and the city’s rapidly growing housing and opioid crisis. The Mobilize Power Fund helped to resource a mobile clinic to support harm reduction services and houseless community members.

Lifeline Aid Group + Mutual Aid Overland (St. Louis, MO)

Lifeline Aid Group supports housing unstable communities in Illinois and Missouri, with a focus on queer and trans people. Mutual Aid Overland supports families and community members with a focus on Latine, Spanish-speaking, and migrant populations. The Mobilize Power Fund helped support mutual aid for transgender people and an influx of migrants and refugees in their community.

Campesina Womb Justice + Pacific Birth Collective (Maui, HI)

Campesina Womb Justice supports Indigenous and undocumented farm workers with reproductive justice needs. Pacific Birth Collective provides education, support, and advocacy for birth and wellness choices. The Mobilize Power Fund supported mutual aid and healing justice to Maui's Latine and Indigenous communities in response to fires on the islands.

QueerRVA (Richmond, VA)

QueerRVA provides resources and fights for 2SLGBTQ+ Liberation through microgrants and community building events The Mobilize Power Fund supported the "Gay Clay Day'' workshop, part of a pop-up series of healing justice and community education events.

Tapped Out Coalition (Escondido, CA)

Tapped Out Coalition is a mostly anonymous network of individuals serving to expose harms within the earth medicine community, with a focus on supporting BIPOC femmes.The Mobilize Power Fund supported their Survivor Fund to compensate unpaid and harmed healing justice workers.

October 2023 Grantees 

The Black Trans Prayer Book + Liberation Medicine School + COVID Cautious Cookout (Philadelphia, PA + National)

The Black Trans Prayer Book is an interfaith, artistic and theological work that collects the stories, prayers, spells, and incantations of Black trans and non-binary people. Liberation Medicine School is an emerging Black trans village of indigenous learning and medicine. Together, these organizations created a three day virtual convening for COVID conscious BIPOC community members.

Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (Atlanta, GA + National)

Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity (MASGD) works to support, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ Muslims, with a focus on convening spaces that uplift LGBTQ+ Muslims and combat Islamophobic narratives through art. With the Mobilize Power Fund, they are building an immediate response healing justice program.

Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Columbia, SC)

Palmetto State Abortion Fund (PSAF) exists to provide financial, emotional, and logistical support to individuals seeking abortion services. Through the Mobilize Power Fund, PSAF did reproductive justice rural community outreach.

Restorative Justice Collaborative of Houston (Houston, TX)

Restorative Justice Collaborative of Houston promotes community building, healing, and transformation through restorative practices in a commitment to break the school to prison pipeline. Through the Mobilize Power Fund, they were able to create a Restorative Justice Leadership Program to support Black girl and youth circle facilitators.

Somos Familia (Oakland, CA)

Somos Familia builds leadership in Latine families and communities to create a culture where people of diverse genders and sexual orientations can thrive Through the Mobilize Power Fund, they created healing spaces for Latine TGNC community members to build conflict resolution skills.

Worcester Youth Cooperatives (Worcester, MA)

Worcester Youth Cooperatives works towards a post-capitalist world by supporting the power of youth to organize cooperative solutions to social issues they care about. Through the Mobilize Power Fund they created "Project Priceless," a space to increase the political power of women and other gender-oppressed people in the sex trade.